Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
SchemaManagerItem<TSchemaManagerSchema> Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core Namespace : SchemaManagerItem<TSchemaManagerSchema> Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by SchemaManagerItem<TSchemaManagerSchema>.

Public Constructors

Public Properties

Public PropertyAssemblySchema assembly  
Public PropertyAssemblyRefCountLinked Assembly count  
Public PropertyCaptionOverridden. Title of manager item  
Public PropertyChecksumSchema manager item checksum.  
Public PropertyDenyExtendingDeny extending  
Public PropertyDescriptionDescription of manager instance  
Public PropertyDescriptorManager item descriptor  
Public PropertyExtendParent  
Public PropertyExtraPropertiesSchema additional properties  
Public PropertyFolderIdManager Catalog  
Public PropertyInstanceOverridden. Initialized schema instance  
Public PropertyIsCoreSchemaIs schema system  
Public PropertyIsInstanceInitializedIndicates if this schema is initialized  
Public PropertyManagerManager instance  
Public PropertyManagerItemManager item  
Public PropertyManagerNameSchema manager name.  
Public PropertyModifiedOnItem's modification time.  
Public PropertyNameOverridden. Name of manager item  
Public PropertyPackageName  
Public PropertyPackagePosition  
Public PropertyPackageUId  
Public PropertyParentUIdParent schema identifier  
Public PropertyRealParentItemUIdUnique identifier of the parent manager item which contains unique parent schema Id  
Public PropertyReferenceSchemaUIdsList of Linked schemas  
Public PropertyResourceModifiedOnResource modification date  
Public PropertySafeInstanceOverridden. Initializes safe schema instance. If the schema is not initialized returns null.  
Public PropertySysSchemaInSolutionIdIdentifier in the SysSchemaInSolution table.  
Public PropertyTypeNameSchema type name  
Public PropertyUserConnectionUser connection.  
Public PropertyUserIdUnique User Identifier  
Public PropertyUserPropertiesUser item properties.  

Public Methods

Public MethodAssignOverloaded.   
Public MethodAssignExtraProperties  
Public MethodAssignShallowSets properties from source manager item.  
Public MethodAssignUserPropertiesSets user properties from source collection.  
Public MethodClone  
Public MethodCloneShallow  
Public MethodDropInstanceRemoves instance  
Public MethodForceGetInstanceReturns instance of current schema. If the schema does not exists initializes it.  
Public MethodGetHashReturns the hash for this item.  
Public MethodGetPropertyValue<TValue>Gets the property value by instance expression.  
Public MethodInvalidateInvalidates manager item instance.  
Public MethodSetPropertyValue<TValue>Sets the property value by instance expression.  

See Also

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